The Writing Itch

June 9, 2011 at 6:15 pm (Uncategorized)

I am filling in for the receptionist, Pat, at our law firm at the moment. My fingers just want to write something, so I am writing this blog.

I suppose I could write something about what I have been thinking all day– hold on let me answer the phone– Sometimes I wonder what people are really thinking about me, do I talk to much? Am I too loud? Just a little while ago I was told about something I was doing wrong. It wasn’t a big deal to them, but to me… I still get crushed, I have since I was a little kid. –Just a second let me send this fax– Everyone has been so nice, but I have now been at Gallivan long enough for the “new” is wearing off, I’m falling into the pace.

I really love my job, but figuring how workplace people like to opperate, like when to speak to them and when to keep your mouth shut, well… that’s the real hard part. It’s especially difficult for me because I love finding out who people are, trying to know everything about them (and then there are always those ones you want to know more about), every story, memory, favorite pet, I want to know it all. When you listen to another person tell their stories, you’re listening to their soul speaking, and it’s painting a picture on your mind of what it looks like on the inside. So listen carefully or you might just miss some of the most incredible things about people. Anyway, I’m having trouble reining in my instinctual curiosity, and that is very hard.

That was a very long side-track from what I have been thinking all day, of course, thoughts are always like spaghetti noodles with me, they all touch. I’ve been thinking today how much I just want to be writing. I finished chapter 4 last night. It’s finominal… I mean I like it. Granted, it does have some bugs to work out, but I’ll get those in editing. I keep thinking about them, my characters, Grant and Katie (no I won’t tell you what it’s about just yet), I hear things that they are going to say to each other, some mean things and some sweet things, and I feel what they are feeling. I’m walking around with another world in my body that’s different from the one that I’m walking around in. It’s so weird.. and magical. But then “Piere the Copiere” with his jamming and blinking reminds me that I am still on earth and that I have still have a job to do, and there are still six hours til I can go home to my real work and get these thoughts out of my head. Six hours and five sets of swim lessons… But I’m not even going to talk about swim lessons.

1 Comment

  1. Aawan said,

    Nice, enjoyed reading it 🙂

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